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Travel Plan

The aim of our School Travel Plan, is to promote walking or cycling to and from school, as a  safer, greener, more sustainable method of travel, reduce parking and congestion outside the  school at the beginning and end of the school day and teach children about road safety safe  places to cross. 

We have introduced Junior Travel Ambassadors to encourage everyone to record their trip to  school on the new Travel Tracker in class! They will also help with any competitions from the  Road Safety Team.

We are aiming for as many children to walk, cycle or scoot to school at least three times a week.

There are badges and class trophies to win at the end of every month!



In recognition of the efforts we have made to encourage walking to school and our close work with the Smarter travel team in Redbridge, we were invited to take part in a promotional film for the LIVING STREETS Walking Charity. Here is the finished film.

Gold Award

We are delighted to have achieved Gold Level Accreditation for our school Travel Plan.

The award recognises how the school has performed against the following measures in relation to its Travel to School Policy:-

S – Sustainable (ECO)





We would like to thank Mrs Burton and our team of enthusiastic Junior Travel Ambassadors for all their hard work and for helping us achieve Gold.

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