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Assessment at Gilbert Colvin Primary School

At Gilbert Colvin, our intention is to provide children with a high-quality, broad and balanced curriculum which inspires a life-long love of learning. 

What is Assessment?

Assessment is an essential part of the teaching and learning cycle.  It enables us to make sure we are tracking progress, planning next steps, and reporting and involving children and parents in learning.

There are three main forms of assessment:

Formative Assessment

Formative assessment is also known as assessment for learning.  It is a method of assessing children while learning is happening.  It is often more diagnostic than evaluative and enables teachers to provide feedback to children about what to do to improve their engagement and learning.

Formative assessment strategies can include targeted questioning, use of mini-whiteboards, talk tasks or practical tasks with a partner or small group which are then shared to show understanding of new learning.  Results can be checked against the learning objective and success criteria.  This enables children to be actively engaged in thinking, learning and assessing their own learning.

The teacher will use the information from these formative assessments to inform their decisions about what to do or teach next to ensure all children learn and make good or better progress.

Summative Assessment

Summative assessment is often called assessment of learning and usually happens at the end of a unit of work, half term, year or key stage.  Summative assessments evaluate children’s learning against a standard or benchmark. 

Each half term, teachers make a summative assessment of children’s learning.

At Gilbert Colvin Primary School, teachers use evidence from observations and children’s work in books alongside evidence from tests (where appropriate) to inform their judgements about children’s learning and progress in relation to year group expectations.

Children’s progress and attainment is regularly reviewed with school leaders to ensure teachers plan for the best outcomes for their class.  School leaders use this information to improve teaching and learning in the school.

Nationally Standardised Summative Assessment

Nationally standardised summative assessment enables:

School leaders to monitor the performance of pupil cohorts, identify where interventions may be required, and work with teachers to ensure pupils are supported to achieve sufficient progress and attainment

Teachers to understand national expectations and assess their own performance in the broader national context

Pupils and parents to understand how pupils are performing in comparison to pupils nationally

Nationally standardised summative assessments include:

  • Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) profile at the end of Reception
  • Phonics screening check in Year 1
  • National Curriculum tests which are used to inform teacher assessments at the end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2)
  • Multiplication tables check at the end of Year 4
  • National Curriculum tests and teacher assessments at the end of and Key Stage 2 (Year 6)


All children are given personal reading, writing and maths targets to work on to help them to make the best progress they can.  These targets are regularly reviewed and updated.  You can support your child by talking with them about their targets and any new ones that are set, and by encouraging them to use these targets in homework as appropriate.  A full set of targets can be found on the school website at:


How we share information with parents about your child’s academic and personal development

It is important that parents have clear information about how well their children are doing in school.  We plan for regular updates throughout the school year. 





Pupil Target Sheet



Parent /Carer Consultation Meetings

Parents are provided with an information sheet detailing each child’s current next-step targets in reading, writing and maths.

This provides an opportunity for parents to meet with the teacher to discuss how their child has settled in to their new class, their progress from September and their current targets. 


Annual Mid-Year Report


The annual mid-year report contains information about the child’s attainment, behaviours for learning, effort and progress. 

It includes information about the knowledge and skills they have developed in relation to the national curriculum subject areas this year.

Personal targets for reading, writing and maths are shared.

Teachers also comment on children’s attitudes to and engagement with learning and school life.

In addition, parents receive information about their child’s attendance and punctuality. 

This annual mid-year report enables parents and teachers to work in partnership to support the child’s progress and attainment for the second half of the academic year.


Parent / Carer Consultation Meetings

This provides an opportunity for parents to meet with the teacher to review and clarify points from each child’s annual mid-year report.


End of Year Report

Each child’s end of year report contains information about their attainment and progress in reading writing and maths. 

Parents also receive information about their child’s attendance and punctuality.


Phonics Results

Parents of children in Y1 receive information about the outcome of their child’s end of year phonics check.


KS1 Teacher Assessment Outcomes

Parents of children in Y2 receive information detailing each child’s KS1 teacher assessment outcomes which are informed by KS1 English, reading and maths tests.


Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check Outcomes

Parents of children in Y4 receive information about the outcome of their child’s end of year multiplication tables check.

July KS2 SATs Results Parents of children in Y6 receive a report detailing the outcomes from their national assessment tests.
July Parent / Carer Consultation Meetings This provides an opportunity for parents to meet with the teacher to review and clarify points from their child’s end of year report.


When talking about attainment in Early Years Foundation Stage, we use the following terms:


Working Within Age-Related Expectations

Working Securely

When talking about attainment in years 1 to 6, we use the following terms:

Working below

Working below the expected standard for the year group

Working towards

Working towards the expected year group standard for the year group

Working above

Working at greater depth within the expected standard for the year group


When talking about the progress children are making from their starting points, we use the following terms:

Making accelerated or very good progress

Making good progress

Making slow progress or less than expected progress

These terms allow us to give you clear information about how well your child is doing in relation to other pupils.  Most importantly, progress comments identify the progress your child is making from their starting points which may be very different to the starting points of other children.  This can provide a basis for a deeper conversation about how your child learns and how we can work together to ensure that all children at Gilbert Colvin Primary School achieve highly and become lifelong learners fully prepared for an exciting future.

Behaviours for Learning, Effort and Progress (BEP)

At Gilbert Colvin, we believe that it is important for every child to aspire to achieve their best in every lesson.  We empower children to have positive attitudes and behaviours for learning so that they can achieve their potential.  A grade indicating your child’s behaviours for learning, effort and progress (BEP) is given for core subject areas on their annual report.

1 2 3 4
Excellent Good Could try harder Must try harder
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