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Class 6D

Class 6D Classroom Team

Class Teacher

Miss K Davey

Learning Assistant Miss H Collins




Class 6D Charter(1)

Astro Pi - Well Done Aashish and Caiden

Year 6 Handwashing Investigation

Police Visit Year 6

Year 6 recently had some very important visitors; 2 officers from the Metropolitan Police! They spoke to us about the age of criminal responsibility and explained how to stay safe from crime. They also spoke about the consequences of being involved in any criminal activity and how this may impact on them in later life.

Year 6 Trip to the Globe Theatre

Year 6 had an exciting day out at The Globe on October 10th. We had a tour of the theatre and learned all about its history. We even saw some actors rehearsing onstage! After that, we took part in a drama workshop to help us understand more about the characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.

Role Plays

6D were set a very difficult task - to get into role as Adolf Hitler and create a speech persuading the German people to vote for him. This helped us to develop our persuasive skills as well as helping us understand how Hitler was able to convince the public to vote him into power before World War 2.

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